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Ofsted inspected our school on 21st and 22nd January 2025 

Summary of the key findings for parents and pupils:

  • The school provides a caring and nurturing environment, where pupils are happy and feel safe.
  • Pupils play a key role in maintaining the school’s harmonious and purposeful culture.
  • They enjoy exceptionally warm and nurturing relationships with adults who know them well.
  • Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), try hard to live up to the school’s high expectations of their behaviour and achievement.
  • Pupils access a wide range of extra-curricular activities that hone their talents and interests.
  • Many pupils develop their interpersonal and leadership skills by taking on roles, such as school councillors and librarians. They show care for others who are less fortunate than themselves by raising money for a wide range of charitable causes.
  • The curriculum is delivered by skilled teachers. There is a strong programme of professional development in place, which ensures that staff are very well supported.
  • The teaching of early reading is a real strength. Pupils are exposed to a wide range of high-quality texts. They particularly enjoy the books read to them by their teachers each day.
  • The school carefully tracks absence and identifies those pupils who struggle to attend. Its initiatives are having a positive impact on improving pupils’ rates of attendance.
  • Staff are proud to work at the school.

Here you can view the latest OFSTED report and see what our parents have said about Birchwood C of E Primary School.

Birchwood C of E - Ofsted Page 
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