The beginning of John’s Gospel says 'The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.’ Throughout his life Jesus gave hope to others and the resurrection of Jesus shows us that evil can never ultimately triumph over love.
Hope is a core value for our church school because we share in the joy that comes from the belief that there is always hope and all is never lost.
Hope is an attitude of mind that we develop through faith in God and each other. Christians believe that Jesus teaches about hope as something that can grow, with encouragement and faith. Hope is to be shared.
In our school this helps us to keep going even when things get hard and when we face new challenges. Together we can turn hope into reality.

Take home sheet
There are Values Home Sheets from Imaginor. These are designed to complement the conversations we have in school and we trust will provide much food for thought and conversation. Below is the Values Home Sheet about Hope.