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Admissions - Birchwood C of e primary school would be delighted to welcome you and your child to visit the school.


Birchwood C of E Primary  is an inclusive school. We have a welcoming community and embrace the diversity that children can bring. Admission into our school’s reception class is managed by Warrington Borough Council’s admissions department and details can be found on their website.

Thirty children are admitted into our Reception class each year. Children can also be admitted into our other classes if there are spare places. The Local Authority may admit a child with a Statement of SEN or EHC Plan if Birchwood C of E is the mainstream school identified as most able to meet the child’s Special Educational Needs.

New Intake - September 2025-26
If you have a child born between 1st September 2019 to 31st August 2020 they will be eligible to start school in September 2025. All Primary School  Admissions are now completed online. Please visit the Warrington Borough Council website by clicking on this link Primary School Admissions. The closing date for Primary School Applications is midnight on the 15th January 2025. 

If you would like to visit our school to have a look around we will be happy to arrange this for you.  Please call the school office on 01925 823316

Admissions policy 2026-2027

Admissions Policy 2025-26

If you would like to enquire about a school place for a child that is changing schools throughout the school year, please see the information links below. Alternatively you can contact the school office on 01925 823316 or the School Admissions Team at Warrington Borough Council on 09125 446226 or email schooladmissions@warrington.gov.uk

Nursery Admissions (3 & 4 Year olds)

Parents are requested to return forms to school by the closing date of 8th March 2024

Parents/carers will be informed by the school of  whether a place is available by the end of April 2024. The session allocated may be confirmed at a later date.


The online form should be completed by Warrington residents only. If you live outside of the Warrington area (i.e. pay council tax to another Local Authority) you are able to state a preference for a Warrington school, but must apply using your home Local Authority’s online application form.  

Children who are due to start secondary school in September 2024, born 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2013 will receive a letter via their current school, which contains information on the registration and application processes.

All applicants are advised to read the information booklet ‘Secondary Education – First Admission to Year 7 - Information for Parents 2024 - 25’ before completing the online application form.

You will find it useful to have your letter and information sheet to hand when starting your online application form. You will also require your Council Tax reference number.   

The online application form is available from 1 September 2023 until midnight on Monday 31st October 2023

 Please click on the link below to register and apply.


Offers are communicated to all on time applicants via email, unless you have expressed a preference to be informed via post instead. If you do opt to be informed by post, letters will be sent out by second class post on 1 March 2024, so parents/carers should allow time for postage.

If you have opted to receive the offer information via email the information will be sent to the email address (which you provided on the online application form) from 10:00 am on 1 March 2024. 

Warrington Borough Council Admissions Team contact details

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