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Year 6

Miss Bolton

Miss Meacham


Year 6 is a crucial and exciting stage in a child's education, marking the final year of primary school. It is a time of growth, responsibility, and preparation for the transition to secondary school. In Year 6, students build on their academic skills, particularly in core subjects like English, Maths, and Science, while also developing independence and leadership abilities. They take on roles as school leaders, participate in memorable activities such as trips, and engage in end-of-year projects, all while working towards achieving their best in the end-of-year assessments.


Year 6 will have PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday. On a Tuesday, some of the children will be participating in swimming lessons, while others will be taking part in indoor PE sessions. Thursday sessions will be outdoor with Mr Worsdworth. Please ensure your child comes into school with the correct PE kits on these days. 

curriculum overview

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