birchwood bears wrap-around care

Here at Birchwood CofE Primary School & Nursery we offer a 'wrap-around' care provision for children in all year groups. We are extremely flexible in terms of your requirements, and we are happy to provide 'ad hoc' care if you require emergency last minute child care.
Our sessions are split into a Breakfast Club session which allows parents/carers to drop their child at 07:30am, and an afternoon club session which runs from when the school day finishes, up until 5:30pm - with the option to collect at 4:30pm if need be.
Our wrap-around provision is ran by school staff who all hold DBS / First Aid certificates - and payment is made via our Parent Pay system on a weekly basis
If you wish to enquire further, or wish to book your child a space in our 'Birchwood Bears Club' please contact (Please note that our wrap-around provision is for children who attend Birchwood CofE Primary School & Nursery ONLY)